Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Royal Blood line

Recently my wife and I got to attend the Toronto mission fest and we were going thru the exhibitor’s and I couldn’t believe that there were so many Christian organisations just working among children in need Globally. The need seemed to be so real and it was right there in front of us.

Child abuse is becoming regular news in our dailies and news channels. You might have read about Tori the girl who went missing from a school in Toronto mysteriously, the father who kept his daughter chained in the basement for years, father who raped his own daughter because he wanted good luck on his family and the story goes on. In India every day over 10000 kids are born, it’s a good number still even after reducing the high infant mortality. I use to work in a rural mission hospital in India and I have seen how a father reacts when a female child is born (especially in the states of Uttarpradesh and Bihar). Sometimes the father wouldn’t even come to see the baby in the hospital after its been delivered. There’s a big gap between the literate middle class and the illiterate rural poor. One of my good friends unfortunately she had a miscarriage and lost their baby, its over a decade now, even though they have had children after that, even today they talk about the lost baby and count on her as their child, at the same time in the other hand, I was really surprised once when I was doing a survey in a village and when we asked the man how many children he had, he answered two and as we talked we realised he actually had 7 children. Two died, 3 girls, but then when he said two he meant only his boys. Others weren’t even counted, Isn’t that mind-blowing?

Many a times if it’s a girl who’s sick, often they don’t bother to take her to the hospital no matter how serious she is. At the same time if it was a boy, they would try every possible thing to save him cos according to them a Boy is an Income and a Girl is an expense keeping dowry and the other local practices in mind.

As I was thinking on these lines, suddenly I realised how privileged most of us are to have parents and family who really care for us. I have the privilege of having a very strong and loving family presence always around me. We often take them for granted, I can’t think of my parents ever thinking something bad for me but then it can happen, Bible says “even your father and mother may forget u and leave u but I (Jesus) will never leave you nor forsake you.

Think of those children dying there without love for a moment and also think about Jesus who tells us a different perspective on the fathers love who sent his only son to die for us on the cross. What greater love can we see in this world than this? We have his inheritance. He has given us the privilege to call him Abba father what a great privilege it is, to have the king of kings, Lord of ‘lords and the maker of this whole universe our own father, isn’t that something to think of…

We are Blessed not because we are righteous but for what he is to us, cos of the promise he made to our forefathers. We receive it free because of his Amazing grace. If we are his children, we are blessed for sure cos we have His Royal Blood line in us.

So today my friend if u think things aren’t going too well with you, cheer up cos you have the royal blood line in u. Being an Agriculturist I can say this, when u look at a genetically modified seed, it will look just the same as a normal one and u might think, even doubt on whether after paying so much money u will get any better results, but then because of its genes and modifications its proven that when it grows it is going to yield plenty times more and will give more value for your money.

Sameway, you and me having the Royal bloodline in us no matter what we are and what we are going thru right now, we shall overcome for sure and we will be Victors. Amen

Stay Blessed.


1 comment:

  1. while i am not so sure about royal bloodlines or the safety of genetically modified seeds, i hear you when you talk of the girl child. wish there was more we could do.
